The Lustiq Vision Blog

Everything to know about Fenugreek
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about FenugreekFenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an ancient herb known for its myriad of health benefits, ranging from reducing inflammation and cholesterol to enhancing libido in both men and women. Rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, fenugreek seeds support nutritious dietary incorporation and have been traditionally employed to alleviate digestive issues, menstrual cramps, and menopause symptoms. Its libido-boosting properties are attributed to saponins, which potentially elevate sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, thereby increasing sexual desire and arousal. Studies suggest notable improvements in sexual arousal and desire could be seen within 2-6 weeks of fenugreek supplementation, although this can vary individually. While dosages in studies have varied, daily intakes of 500-600 mg of fenugreek extract, in divided doses, are common. Nevertheless, it's advised to consult a healthcare provider prior to supplementing with fenugreek, particularly for libido enhancement, to ensure suitability and optimal dosage.
Everything to know about Lion's Mane mushroom
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about Lion's Mane mushroomLion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus), a revered medicinal mushroom, has fascinated the wellness community with its potential health benefits including cognitive enhancement, immune support, and nerve regeneration. It's also suggested that Lion's Mane could positively impact libido, possibly by increasing nerve growth factor production, crucial for a healthy nervous system and thus potentially improving sexual function. While its effects on libido are supported by preliminary research, indicating it might also mitigate anxiety and depression, the optimal dosage for such benefits remains undefined, with studies suggesting a range from 500mg to 3000mg per day. However, individual responses to Lion's Mane can vary greatly, with some experiencing libido changes within weeks, whereas others may need several months. This mushroom isn’t exclusive to any gender; both men and women may explore its libido-enhancing perspectives. Yet, compared to other natural aphrodisiacs like ginseng or maca, Lion's Mane's research is in its nascent stages, necessitating more studies to fully understand its efficacy and safety in sexual health enhancement.
Everything to know about Shatavari
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about ShatavariShatavari (Asparagus racemosus), a revered herb in Ayurvedic medicine, brings a plethora of health benefits, notably its aptitude to enhance libido. Known for its adaptogenic qualities, Shatavari aids in stress and anxiety management and exhibits anti-inflammatory characteristics that can mitigate bodily inflammation. Its support of the female reproductive system is significant, offering fertility enhancement, hormonal balance, and alleviation of menopause symptoms alongside cardioprotective, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties. The mechanism behind its libido-boosting effect involves steroidal saponins, raising sexual hormones like testosterone and estrogen, thus stimulating sexual desire and performance, and enhancing genital blood flow for increased sensitivity. While results vary, some individuals may observe libido improvements within weeks, with recommended daily dosages between 500-1,000mg. Suitable for both men and women, Shatavari stands alongside other natural libido enhancers with its unique stress-relieving and hormonal balancing benefits, making it a potent supplement for sexual health improvement.
Everything to know about Ginkgo Biloba
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about Ginkgo BilobaGinkgo Biloba, a venerable herbal supplement, is extracted from the leaves of one of the earth's most ancient tree species, revered not only for its longevity but for a range of potential health benefits. Historically anchored in traditional medicine, this botanical marvel has transcended centuries to emerge as a sought-after component in dietary supplements today. Recognized for its notable influence on cognitive function and memory enhancement, Ginkgo Biloba also plays a pivotal role in ameliorating anxiety and depression symptoms, bolstering blood circulation, and thus, mitigating cardiovascular disease risks. Its potent antioxidant attributes contribute to cellular protection against damage. Among its array of benefits, an intriguing aspect is its purported capacity to amplify sexual function and libido. This enhancement of sexual desire and performance is attributed to Ginkgo Biloba's effectiveness in improving blood flow and upregulating nitric oxide levels in the body, alongside fostering neurotransmitter production, such as dopamine and serotonin, associated with sexual pleasure.
Everything to know about Shilajit
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about ShilajitShilajit, a sticky substance discovered in high mountain ranges like the Himalayas and Altai mountains, emerges from the slow decomposition of plants over centuries. This unique botanical is packed with fulvic acid, humic acid, and a wealth of minerals, making it a revered component in Ayurvedic medicine. Traditionally, it’s celebrated for a multitude of health benefits, notably its remarkable ability to stimulate libido. Shilajit enhances not only sexual health and fervor but also offers an increase in energy and stamina, cognitive enhancement, and supports healthy aging. Its properties as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent further contribute to its potency. Unique in its capacity to boost testosterone levels, a primary factor in sexual desire and function, Shilajit stands out among natural libido enhancers. Recommended dosages for libido improvement suggest starting with 100-500mg per day, adjusting as necessary. Shilajit's benefits, including improved sexual health, are accessible to both men and women, promising an all-encompassing approach to enhancing vitality and sexual wellness.
Everything to know about Turkey Tail mushroom
Jun 28, 2024
Everything to know about Turkey Tail mushroomTurkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) is a medicinal mushroom revered in traditional Chinese medicine for its multitude of potential health benefits, most notably its immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. Its most critical bioactive compounds, polysaccharopeptides (PSP) and polysaccharide-K (PSK), are believed to play significant roles in boosting the immune system, exhibiting antitumor and anticancer effects, enhancing gut health and digestion, and reducing inflammation. While not directly linked to an increase in libido, Turkey Tail's contribution to overall health improvement, including better energy levels, reduced stress, and anxiety alleviation, could indirectly boost sexual desire and function. However, the specific effects of Turkey Tail on libido, including the timeframe for noticeable improvements and recommended dosages, remain under-explored. Despite these promising benefits, Turkey Tail lacks extensive research on its capacity to enhance libido compared to other natural libido enhancers. Before integrating Turkey Tail or similar supplements into one's regimen, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.